Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Art”
In regards to my previous post I think I can relate a little, my first home written RPG (I think I was 13 then) was mostly a big rulebook.
Although when I was doing military service, I started another on but for than one I mostly just drew pics:
Although it got at least 20-30 pages of background story to the world, I might pick it up again one day.
New Characters
So now when I’ve found those old character, I thought that I should draw some new ones, so I went out and got myself some magic markers, bloody brilliant they are.
Firstly it was for drawing wireframes, but it ended with some more fun stuff:
Old characters
A few years ago I decided to start being artistic again, and draw a “creature” every week, this lasted for about a month!
So the other day when I was trying to organising my hardrive (much needed indeed) I found some of them tucked away: